Front Royal, the future of our town rests in your hands! Come November 7, 2023, Glenn E. Wood beckons your trust and votes.

Why Glenn?

  • Business Acumen: His substantial HR background promises governance that puts our people first.
  • Trailblazer: Steering three manufacturing start-ups to success showcases his knack for innovation.
  • Grounded Expertise: Glenn’s solid educational roots make him a beacon in academic and professional arenas.
  • Community Pillar: A proud Warren County High School alumnus, Glenn’s contributions extend from nonprofits to service clubs, making him a true thread in Front Royal’s rich tapestry.
  • Champion for All: Glenn is unyieldingly devoted to ensuring affordable housing, nurturing business growth, and safeguarding the health of our beloved Front Royal residents.

Important Dates to Remember:

  • Early Voting: September 22, 2023
  • Election Day: November 7, 2023

Front Royal, let your voice resonate. As you step into the ballot box, remember Glenn E. Wood – a blend of vast experience, unwavering dedication, and heartfelt commitment to our community.

#FrontRoyalVotes #GlennForCouncil #FutureInYourHands #VoteGlennWood #CommunityFirst #FrontRoyalFuture #TownCouncil2023 #ExperienceMatters #WoodForTheWin #CommunityPillar #OurTownOurChoice #ElectionDayFrontRoyal #VoteResponsibly #LeadingFrontRoyal #ChampionForAll